Read the following passage, and answer the questions.
Use the words provided below each question.
Body Image
The way you think about your own body is called your body image. If you have a negative body image, it means you don’t like your body. If you don’t like your body, you probably don’t like yourself. In this way, body image is connected to self-esteem.
Body image might be improved by plastic surgery. However, this does not always result in higher self-esteem. Sometimes, the main reason for a negative body image is psychological, not physical. In such cases, plastic surgery alone cannot help. First, learn to appreciate everything about yourself, not just your appearance.
You can also try to improve your body image by managing how and what you eat. A good diet consists of eating the proper amounts of healthy foods. If you follow a good diet for a long time, you can lose weight and feel better about yourself over time. Unfortunately, many people are impatient.
They have a negative body image, and they want to change the way their body looks right away.
A third way to change your body is through exercise. Exercise can change the shape of your body. It can also make you feel more energetic and relieve your stress. These are important because changing how you feel can change your body image, too.
4 self-esteem: a respect for oneself
7 psychological: related to mind psychic
17 energetic: displaying energy
18 relieve: to reduce; to lessen
1. According to the reading passage, what are three ways you can improve your body image?
appreciate, diet, exercise, stress, benefit
Your answer may begin like: First, you need to learn to appreciate everything about yourself, ....
2. Is your body image more positive, or more negative?
positive, strong, negative, mirror, body, hair, old, bright
Your answer may begin like: Generally positive. First, I’m taller than average because it runs in my family. Second,....