Word connections, also known as word flow, play a vital role in ensuring effective communication. While writing maintains distinct spaces between words, these gaps vanish in seamless spoken language.
Word Connections
Listen to the audio and vocally repeat the text on the right five times, emphasizing the blending of words. While it might appear unconventional, rely on phonetics for accurate pronunciation.
Below is a brief summary of the primary guidelines for word connections.
When you've mastered the foundational nine-grid and can replicate it flawlessly, you're prepared to advance to two timeless tales: "Goldilocks and the Three Bears" and "Sleeping Beauty.
Goldilocks" - Intonation and Phrasing
Carefully listen to the audio and verbally reiterate the narrative. Pay attention to the intonation used for introducing new information and the natural phrasing.
Goldilocks" - Pronunciation and Linking
Pay close attention to the audio and vocalize the story. Concentrate on achieving accurate pronunciation and smoothly linking the words together.
"Sleeping Beauty" - Intonation and Phrasing
Lend your ear to the audio and vocally echo the story. Observe the intonation patterns that highlight new information and the natural flow of phrasing.
"Sleeping Beauty" - Pronunciation and Linking
Carefully listen to the audio and then vocally replicate the story. Make sure to emphasize accurate pronunciation and seamless word linking.
Let's Meet Max" - Intonation
Listen to the audio and repeat the story, focusing on intonation.
For pronunciation, pay attention to the "ae" sound in "Max" and "back," the final "Z" sound in "comes," "has," "goes," the neutral vowels in "come" and "America" (kern and emerake), and the "T" in "Italy" that sounds like "0" (idely). A simple rule to remember is if you change "T" to "0," the following vowel becomes a schwa (or "e"). When it comes to word connections, use the "W" connector in "tolWIAmerica" and the "Y" connector in "he has." This can be either "helY1haz" or "helY1az" if you speak quickly and omit the "H."
Let's Meet Max" - Pronunciation and Linking
Carefully listen to the audio and vocally repeat the story, placing emphasis on accurate pronunciation and smooth word connections. Be attentive to the fact that the "H" in "has" is omitted.