Now we will learn about action words called main verbs, like run, go, and work. We'll also use helping verbs to ask questions, make negatives, and add emphasis.

We'll continue using the same patterns and pronouns as earlier. Pronouns are more common and very important.

Keep in mind: Stress is on nouns. For pronouns, stress goes to the verb. Remember that 'O' sounds like 'ah,' 's' sounds like 'z,' and 'h' disappears.
These are the most commonly used verbs.

Understanding opposite verb pairs is crucial. Learn their meanings well. Remember that some words have multiple opposites, like "play" meaning both "work" and "fight."
Main verbs alter based on the person, typically by adding -s to the third-person form. This process is known as conjugating the verb.

Choose the proper form. Then read the sentences out loud, stressing the nouns.
1. Bob ________________ English.