My Father

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1 Write the words in the correct column below.
acquaintance - colleague - cousin - father’s side - friend -  mother-in-law - neighbour -nephew - niece - teammate





Match the meanings with the adjectives.

a A person who doesn’t worry or get angry about things easily.

b Someone who doesn’t think about other people.

c A person who likes to talk a lot.

d Someone who is always caring and kind.

e A person who can wait a long time without getting angry.

f Someone who puts lots of effort into work or studies.

g A person who doesn’t usually joke or smile.

h Someone who likes to give or share things with people.


3 a Tell your partner which adjectives describe you, and then fi nd an adjective that describes you both.

b Now talk about your partner's answers.
Example Tommy is hard-working and I'm talkative, but we're both easy-going.


Listen to two people talking. How does Naomi describe her family? Match the family members on the left to the adjectives on the right.

1- mother

2- sister

3- father

4- brother

5 a Match the questions on with the answers .

1 Who do you take after?

2 Do you get along with your sister?

3 Who does she take after?

4 Do you like your brother?

B- Listen and check your answers.

6 Who does Naomi like, her brother or sister?

7 Match the words with the meanings.

get on with/get along with

take after

Language Focus

1. We use get on (with) / get along (with) to say that we have a good relationship with someone.

I get on with the people at work. They’re all so nice.
I don’t get along with my brother. He’s very selfi sh.

2. We use take after to say we are similar in appearance or personality to other people in our family.

She takes after her mother. They’re both very generous.
I take after my father. We’re both tall.

Write the correct option to complete each sentence below.

a Christina and I like all the same things. That’s why I    get on with / take after her so well.
b We    got along with / didn’t get along with each other when we were kids. We fought every day.
c Do you    get on with / take after your colleagues at work?
d Damon    doesn’t get along with / takes after his mother.They’re both really easy-going and patient.
e He’s very selfish, that’s why he    gets along with / doesn’t get along with his teammates.
f My daughter    gets along with / takes after her father. She looks just like him.
g His brother is so different from him, but they     get on with / take after each other so well.

Sounding Natural

Listen to the words below. Write the number of syllables next to each adjective.

easy-going 4        generous            hard-working       
patient             selfish           serious        
talkative                          warm-hearted              

Work with a partner. Ask and answer the questions in the previous activity . Make a note of your partner’s answers.

Example A:
Do you get on with your neighbours?
Yes, I talk to them every day.

b Talk about your partner's answers.

Marge gets on with her neighbours and she talks to them every day.

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