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Evaluation Test ​

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1- Careers


Choose the best word to complete each sentence.

Zoltan decided on his career _____  when he was in his first year of university,
and amazingly, he followed it until he retired.


2 Rupert hopes to make a _______  doing freelance consulting.


3 My company has a training programme that offers career _____ to students who have just graduated from university.


4 Helena was very happy with the _______  she got last month.


5 If you want to climb the career ______ , you have to be prepared to work very hard.


6 Dominic was very pleased when he earned his first _____.


7 Begonia is ready to make a career ______ , so she's applying for jobs with other companies.


8 Alicia did _____  when she completed her job application.


9 Some companies help their employees take a career ____  by giving them a few months off without pay.


10 Pietro was 55 years old when he took early _______ .

Vocabulary : Companies

Complete the text below with the words in the box.

net profit - parent company - pharmaceutical - share price - Spanish subsidiary -  turnover  - workforce


Espania-pharm today announced the opening of its new head office in Barcelona. The     1 company's effo1ts to boost its market share paid off in the first quarter, as its    2 was almost € 1 5.6 million, leading to a      3 of €8 million. The company has also doubled the size of its    1 by hiring 50 new employees in the past four months. However, the company's    .5 is unlikely to go up until investors feel confident that the company is strong.
Espania-pharm is the      6 of the global giant. The    7 , based in Stockholm , reported profits of €950 million in the first quarter.

Vocabulary : Selling

Select the odd word /phrase out in each group.

1 .







Complete each conversation with can, could and would. Use each word once in each conversation.

A:      1 I help you?
B: Yes. My name's Heinz Wagner. I'm here to see Martina Lopez.
A: She'll be right out.     2 you like a cup of coffee or tea?
B: No, thanks. But      you tell me where the men's room is, please?


A: My cousin     4 speak French and German by the time she was Five, and now she
  5 speak Russian and Greek as well.
B: Do you think she     6 1ike to learn any more languages?

A:      7 you like to ask any more questions about Fabian?
B: Yes     8 he drive? Does he have a licence?
A: I'm not sure. I      9 phone him and ask him.


Complete this text with either the present simple or the present continuous form of the verbs in brackets. Use contracted forms where appropriate. (I'm / we're etc )

I'     1 (be) a trainee project manager and I  2 (love) my job. I'  3 (work) for a well-known computer manufacturer, in the marketing department. Right now, we'
  • (develop) an advertising campaign for our newest laptop computers.
We '    5 (try) to find the best artist for our print advertisements, so this week I   6 (look) at samples of artists' work every day.
I      7 (feel)  proud to work for a big, well-known company. This week, I       8 (start) each day with a planning meeting that includes the CEO. He'     9 (be) very
well known around the world, and my friends all    10 (think) I'm lucky to work with
someone famous.


Match the halves of the expressions.

1 Can  ___________ .


2 Can I get him to  __________


3 Can I leave _______________


4 He seems to be  _________


5 Could I speak ___________ 


6 Could you ________


7 Could you ask _________


8 Could you tell  __________

Complete each gap in these presentation extracts with the correct word (a, b or c).

Good morning, . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Mieko Murata, Director of Marketing, N H HC Telecommunications.
Today, . . . . . . . . . . . .2 to talk about our new projects. First, . . . . . . . . . . . J some background
information about the company. . . . . . . . . . . . .'' , I'll talk about our marketing activities .
. . . . . . . . . . . s. I'll discuss some case studies . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 some background information about
the company and about what we've been doing in the past year.
I f there are no more questions about background, I'll continue . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 to our marketing
activities - we've recently had a really big marketing event in Singapore.
Thanks . . . . . . . . . . . .8 my talk. Are there any questions?








Read these instructions and write a letter {60-90 words). Begin it with
a salutation and end politely.

You had a meeting with Mr Ulrich last week. You want to move ahead with a distribution
agreement with his company. You are sending him with this letter a draft contract for
his approval. You want him to read through it and tell you if there are any changes
or additions.

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