Present Tenses for Future

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Present Tenses for Future

Present Tenses for Future :

I’m doing something (tomorrow etc.) = I have already decided and arranged to do it:

a: What are you doing on Sunday morning ? (not What do you do)

b: I’m going for a walk . (not I go)

We do not normally use will to talk about what we have arranged to do:

What are you doing tonight? (not What will you do)

I’m visiting my parents tonight. (not will visit)

We also use the present continuous for an action just before you start to do it.  This happens especially with verbs of movement (go/come/leave etc.):

I’m tired.  I’m going to bed now.    (not I go to bed now) ‘

Steve, are you ready yet?’ ‘Yes, I’m coming.’ (not I come)

Present simple (I do) with a future meaning

We use the present simple when we talk about timetables and programs (for example, transport or cinema times):

I have to go.  My train leaves at 10 o’clock.

What time does the film start tonight?

You can use the present simple to talk about people if their plans are fixed like a timetable:

I start my new course on Monday.

What time do you finish work on Friday ?

But the continuous is more usual for other personal arrangements:

What time are you meeting Kate tomorrow? (not do you meet)

1- Complete the sentences.

1 Steve isn’t playing (not / play) football on Saturday.  He’s hurt his leg.

2                          (We / have) a party next week.  We’ve invited all our friends.

 3                      (I / not / work) tomorrow.  It’s a public holiday.

4                      (I / leave) now.  I’ve come to say goodbye.

5 ‘What time                     (you / go) out this evening?’ ‘Seven o’clock.’

6                      (Laura / not / come) to the party tomorrow.  She isn’t well.

7 I love New York.                      (I / go) there soon.

8 Ben can’t meet us on Monday.                     (He / work) late.

2-Complete the sentences. Use the present continuous or present simple.

1 a: Tina, are you ready yet?

b: Yes, I’m coming (I / come).

2 a:                          (you / go) to Sam’s party on Saturday?   

b: No, I haven’t been invited.

3 a: Has Jack moved into his new apartment yet?

b: Not yet, but                         (he / move) soon – probably at the end of the month.

4 a:                        (I / go) to a concert tonight.

b: That’s nice.  What time                         (it / start)?

5 a: Have you seen Chris recently?

b: No, but                         (we / meet) for lunch next week.

6 a:                        (you / do) anything tomorrow morning?

b: No, I’m free.  Why?

7 a: When                         (this term / end)?

b: Next Friday.  And next term                         (start) four weeks aft er that.

8 a:                        (We / go) to a wedding at the weekend.

 b: Really?                        (Who / get) married?

9 a: There’s football on TV later tonight.                         (you / watch) it?

 b: No, I’m not interested.

10 a: What time is your train tomorrow?

 b: It                         (leave) at 9.35 and                         (arrive) at 12.47.

11 a: I’d like to go and see the exhibition at the museum.  How long is it on for?

 b:                        (It / finish) next week.

12 a:  Do you need the car this evening?

 b: No, you can have it.                        (I / not / use) it.

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