House and home
Things in your house
1- There are four chairs around the table.
2- The bed is in front of the window.
3- The toilet is next to the shower.
4- The key opens the door.
Words for talking about house and home
address ( n ) Your address is the number of the building, the name of the street, and the town or city where you live or work.
bath (n)A bath is a container that you fill with water and sit in to wash your body.
bathroom (n) A bathroom is a room that contains a bath or a shower and often a toilet.
bed (n) A bed is a piece of furniture that you lie on when you sleep.
bedroom (n) A bedroom is a room where people sleep.
chair (n) A chair is a piece of furniture for one person to sit on, with a back and four legs.
dining room (n) A dining room is a room where people eat their meals.
door (n) A door is a piece of wood, glass, or metal that fills an entrance.
flat (n) A flat is a set of rooms for living in, usually on one floor.
garden (n) A garden is an area by your house where you grow flowers and vegetables.
home (n) Someone's home is the place where they live.
house (n) A house is a building where people live.
key (n) A key is a shaped piece of metal that opens or closes a lock.
kitchen (n) A kitchen is a room that is used for cooking.
live (v) If you live somewhere, you have your home in that place.
living room (n) The living room in a house is the room where people sit together and talk or watch television.
shower (n) A shower is a thing that you stand under, that covers you with water so you can wash yourself.
table (n) A table is a piece of furniture with a flat top that you put things on or sit at.
toilet (n) A toilet is a large bowl with a seat that you use when you want to get rid of waste from your body.
wall (n) A wall is one of the sides of a building or a room.
window (n) A window is a space in the wall of a building or in the side of a vehicle that has glass in it.
1- Put the correct word or words in each gap. (one extra)
2- Match the words with the pictures
3- Choose the correct word
1- My_______ is 23, Main Street.
2- Ben is sitting outside in the ________.
3- Put this picture on the ________.
4- This house has four _______.
5- Come in and sit on the _______ .
6- Dan is looking out of the ______.
4- For each question, tick the correct answer.
1 In the living room, there are
5 There's a big table in the
6 There's a toilet in the
5- Match the sentence halves.