Lesson 8 : Time Words

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Time Words: Mid and End Position

Sometimes, words are in the middle of a sentence, and sometimes they're at the end. We'll begin with the middle ones.

Time Words, Mid (Before the Adjective)

Listen to the audio and repeat until you have mastered the sounds and concepts.

Time Words, End (After the Adjective)
Listen to the audio and keep practicing until you understand the sounds and ideas well. Pay attention to the fact that the time words at the end of sentences all have a noun.

Time Words, Mid - Pronunciation

Listen to the audio and practice repeatedly until you're confident with the sounds and concepts.

Grammar and Spelling                              Pronunciation and Intonation

1. I'm always late.                                                äimäweez lay-eet.
2. You're always tired.                                       yeräweez täi-yrrd.
3. Bob and Betty are generally confused.    bäb'n beddyer gen-rəlly c'nfyuzd.
4. He's usually ready.                                         heez yuzhlly reddy.
5. It's not often sunny.                                      its nädäffen sənny.
6. Are they frequently hungry?                      är they freekwently həngry?
7. She's sometimes on time.                            sheez səmtimzän ty-eem.
8. We're hardly ever worried.                        wir härdly ever wrr-eed.
9. You are almost never satisfied.                yer ähmost never sædasfyd.
10. Some people are never focused.           səm peepler never foucəst.

Time Words, End - Pronunciation

Listen to the audio and repeat until you have mastered the sounds and concepts.

Grammar and Spelling                              Pronunciation and Intonation

1. I'm late every day.                                          äim lay devery day.
2. You're tired all the time.                              yer täi-yrrdäll the ty-eem.
3. Bob and Betty are confused every time.   bäb'n beddyer c'nfyuzd evry ty-eem.
4. He's ready once a week.                              heez reddy wəntsə week.
5. It's not sunny all day.                                  itsnätsənny äll day.
6. Are they hungry on a daily basis?              är they həngry änə day-lee bay-səs?
7. She's on time every Monday.                    sheezän ty mevry mənday.
8. We're worried twice a day.                      wir wrr-reed twy sə day.
9. You are satisfied every morning.          yer sædəsfyd evry morning.
10. Some people are focused almost every day.    səm peepler focəst ahmost evry day.

Let's do a brief recap of the verb map. You've covered a lot of material in a short span, and now you have a clear understanding of your progress on the map. You've become skilled at using the verb "to be" in the simple present tense.

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