1- From which countries do these traditional dishes originate?
Mexico - Italy - England - Spain - Greece - Japan - India - Germany - France - China
Paella | | Fish and chips | |
Sauerkraut | | Snails in garlic | |
Moussaka | | Spaghetti | |
Fried rice | | Chilli | |
Sushi | | Curry | |
2- Match the country with a product it is famous for
4- Match the following to make common expressions connected with cooking
b- _____________________________ some spaghetti
c- _______________________________________ a cake .
d - ________________________________________ a chicken
e- ____________________________________ salmon
5- Find five different ways of cooking in the following anagrams
6- Complete the recipe for a Spanish omelette below with correct forms of five of these words
7- Fill the gaps in the sentences below with words from the box below
8- Quick Food-and-Drink Quiz