2- Do you know whether the following are considered omens of good or bad luck? Tick the right option..
Tip : If you believe that certain things are signs of bad luck
and others of good luck that you are said to be superstitious.
a- walking under a ladder
opening an umbrella in the house
putting new shoes on the table
hanging a horseshoe in your house
2- g
seeing a black cat crossing your path
3- Match the expressions
The following are expressions connected with luck. Can you match the expression with the situation in which it is used?
a- When someone is going to take an exam, go to an interview, start a new job, etc.
- In the theatre, actors say this to one another to bring good luck.
- When you have narrowly avoided misfortune
- When someone fails a test or exam
- When someone wins at a game, and has never played the game before
4- Match the method with its definition:
5- Match the following to make expressions connected with prediction
6 - Match the following with their opposites:
7- Fill the gaps in the following sentences with the correct word
8- QUIZ - How superstitious are you?
Do this simple quiz to find out whether you depend on logic or superstition to get you through life!

0- 5 : You are a true sceptic! Your feet are firmly on the ground and you don't wait for luck to come to you; you go out and get it for yourself!
6-11 : You are quite superstitious, but you have a logical head on your shoulders.
12-15 : You are extremely superstitious. Look out for those ladders!