Present Continuous​

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Present Continuous

Present continuous is used for things happening at the moment , now
I                             am                                listening to music
you / we / they  are                              listening to music
he / she / it         is                                   listening to music

• I am studying right now.
• He is studying at the moment.
• It is raining today.
• We are thinking about you.
• They are playing baseball.

It’s very common to use contractions:
• I'm watching TV right now.
• He's studying at the moment.
• It's raining today.
• We're thinking about you.
• They're playing baseball.

Some verbs are never used in the present continuous:
like, want, need, believe 
• I’m believing in God.
• I believe in God.
• She’s wanting a soda.
• She wants a soda

1- Choose from these verbs : cross - hide - scratch - take - tie - wave

1-      She’s  taking   a picture.
2-  He     a shoelace.
3-  They the road.
4-  He his head. 
5- She behind a tree. 
6- They to somebody.

2- Write questions. Use the present continuous.

1- What’s all that ?       What’s happening ?              (what / happen?)
2- What’s the problem ? (Why / you / cry) ?
3- Where’s your father ?  (he / work / today) ?
4- I haven’t seen you for so long .  (what / you / do /nowadays) ?
5- Alex is your neighbor .   (what / he/ study) ?
6- Are you coming with your cousin ?   (what / he/ do) ?
7- Your father started a new business.   (he / enjoy / it) ?
8- I am  not in busy. (why / you / leave / so early) ?

3- Put the verb into the correct form, positive (I’m doing etc.) or negative (I’m not doing etc.).

1 Please don’t turn on the speaker .    I’m trying     (I / try) to sleep.
2 Let’s go out now. It isn’t raining   (it / rain) today.
3 You can change  the channel . (I / watch) it.
4 Kate phoned last night. She’s on holiday with friends.   (She / have) a great time and doesn’t want to come back.
5 Alex started online  classes lately . (He / learn) Spanish. 
6  The situation is already very bad and now (it / get) worse. 
7 Anna (work) today. She’s taken the day off .
8 The Fridge  has been repaired.  (It / work) now.

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