Let's use conjunctions to link nouns, phrases, and sentences together.

Using short sentences might seem childish. As you improve your language skills, you'll use words like "and" and "but" to combine many short ideas into one longer sentence. Look at how the example goes from five separate sentences to just one.
Ed bought some apples. He bought some pears.
He bought some oranges. He did not buy any bananas.
He did not buy any grapes.
Ed bought apples, pears, and oranges,
but no bananas or grapes.
You are listing several items, so notice the phrasing.

Conjunctions - And, But, So, Or, Because
Fill in the appropriate conjunction, using and, but, so, or, and because.
She knows how to drive, but she prefers to ride her bike.
1. We can't swim, _______________ we don't go to the pool.