English in 100 hours : When you are at the bottom of a mountain you can’t see clearly the summit. Thus you get irritated thinking of the energy and the time you will spend to discover its path . Therefore ,most of the time , people give up at this point.
For this you need the guide and the help of professionals to take you up there .
Today I will try to give you a quick overview of how to learn English ( or any other language you wish to learn ).
This article is on behalf of the online language school ” The speaking Cats“.
First of all, let me explain briefly which academic frame we gonna follow on this article.
The Institutional frame.
This is the education that you get from educational institutions that follow the academic structures of learning/teaching, such as the normal schools , Universities , the language schools etc…
These institutions work on guiding you to your aim in a very structured way. As they use authentic materials along with the educational cycle.
At the end of your education you will be tested and evaluated for what you have been exposed to .
The point here is that the learning process is like a chain every lesson is related to the other and work all together on leading the student to a certain point.
To not keep it theoretical, I wanna drive this example.
For example your English level is beginner with no previous knowledge.
An academic institution will set a frame for you from the O level till the fluent level of the language.
So you will be through the following stages :
A1 : where you will learn the ABCs of the language such as :
-Grammar : simple tenses
-Daily expressions
By the end of this stage you will be able to express yourself in some limited daily topics .
From my own experience I would suggest that this stage shouldn’t be longer than 20 hours . Click here to see an example of this course
A2 : this stage works as a reinforcement of the first stage to enhance your acquired skills and knowledge.
Add to that , it introduces you some deeper concepts and structures of the language .
For example:
-It introduces you some complicated grammatical structures such as the perfect tenses.
-Wider vocabulary set regarding different topics.
It will give the chance to be more confident and comfortable with the language.
As a conclusion of the first two stages , I would say that the A level focuses of the psychological side of the language.
This stage doesn’t require more than 20 hours to be accomplished. Click here to see an example of this course
B1: This is the real stage of getting into the language .
This stage will help you to understand and master most of the grammatical structures.
The focus of this stage will be on mastering the grammar plus skills of expressing yourself on wider complicated topics where you will be able to face more technical terms and give your opinion about specialized topics .
This course takes 20 lessons not more . Click here to see an example of this course.
B2: This is the Speaking stage . At this stage you should be able to use the different grammatical aspects and structures fluently while producing the language verbally .
At the end of this course you should be able to comprehend the native speakers of the language and interact with them fluently .
You will be able to understand
- movie
- Native speakers
-Magazines - Articles
As you will be able to answer them and communicate with the naturally .
This course can be 20 hours as well but it may take longer. Click here to see an example of this course.
C1: This is the stage of proficiency.
It studies complicated topics that even native speakers would face troubles to talk about .
Such as Scientific topics.
This is the level of the elite
By the end of this level you will be able to teach students of lower levels.
20 hours of this course will help you so much ..but as you gonna see on the following stage that these level are endless.
C2: This level in fact is the continuity of C1 .
By setting this level, the linguists wanted to tell you in other words that you should never stop learning and keep updating your knowledge , as languages are not static and renewable every day .
This stage is a life stage of keeping practicing.
I hope I helped you with this article. Please feel free to comment.
Your support is always appreciated.