Read the following passage, and answer the questions.
The Internet & Freedom of Expression
One important thing the Internet has improved has been freedom of expression. The Internet is a huge virtual space shared by people around the world. The diversity of its users means that no one
standard can govern the Net. Also, Internet technology doesn’t allow total blocking of access to information.
The Internet has improved political freedom. All protesters can now express their discontent. In 1990, Chinese dissidents used the Internet to avoid government censorship. As a result, Chinese around the world learned of the Tiananmen Square rebellion and its tragic outcome. In 1991, people inside and outside the Soviet Union learned of the attempted coup against Mikhail Gorbachev. This was despite an information blackout. During Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait, Internet users got timely news though radio and television broadcasts had been cut off.
In the late 1990s, some countries restricted the shocking freedom of expression accessible on the Internet. In Singapore, political and religious websites had to register with the government. In China, all Internet users had to register with the police. In Saudi Arabia, only those at universities and hospitals could use the Internet. Due to the nature of the Internet, none of these efforts at control has had much lasting effect.
access to: the right to enter or use
discontent: dissatisfaction with one’s situation
censorship: examination of literature, mail, or movies to remove or prohibit anything considered obscene, antigovernment, or otherwise offensive
rebellion: armed resistance against one’s government
Coup (d’etat): the sudden, forcible overthrow of a ruler
blackout: a complete stop
1. According to the reading passage, what did some countries do to prevent their people from using the Internet?
restrictions, censorship, cut off access, freedom of expression, register, control
Your answer may begin like: Singapore demanded that political and religious Internet sites register with the government. In China, ....
2. What do you usually use the Internet for?
e-mail, education, shopping, sell, friend, research
Your answer may begin like: Eight times out of ten when I log onto the Internet, I do it to check my e-mail. And I also ....