Which of these companies do you or would you like to work for?
Business English : Companies - a family-owned company
- a multinational company
- your own company (be self-employed)
Can you name a company in each of these business sectors? Is there one
that you would like to work for?
• Telecommunications/Media • Banking and finance • Food and drink
• Engineering • Transport • Retailing
• Pharmaceuticals/Chemicals • Manufacturing • Another service industry
• Construction • IT /Electronics • Tourism
2- Complete the chart on the next page with the information in the box below.
3- Complete the sentences below with the words and phrases in the box.
4- listen to the CEO reading from the company report and and compete the paragraph.
5- Role Play
Business English : Companies
Now talk in the same way about your own company or one you know well. Which other companies in your country are doing well I not doing well at the moment?
1- What sort of presentations have you given? How did you feel?
2- Listen to the beginning of a presentation by Robert Pullin, Director of Human Resources at DCV Fashions, and answer these questions.
Audio Player
1 What is the main aim of the presenter?
2 What kind of audience is he probably addressing?
2- Number the following sentences.
3- Study Case
Choose one of these topics.
Business English : Companies • Think about your company or a company you know. Study the Useful languagebox below, and use the headings in the chart in Exercise E to help you prepare apresentation about it.
• Use the facts provided on page 133 to make a presentation about Moda InternationalFashion Group (MI FG).
Work in pairs. Make your presentation and answer your partner's questions.Your audience is a group of young people from a fashion college.