Language Review : Present simple and present continuous
Skills : Taking part in meetings
Four marketing executives at a sports sponsorship agency are talking about finding a new sponsor for their client, a well-known media company, Listen to the conversation and answer the questions.
1 Why does the client want to change the sport they sponsor?
2 Which four sports do the executives consider?
3 Which sport does Mario suggest? Why does he suggest it?
4 What must David do before he contacts Larry Harrington's agent?
Listen again and complete the extract.
Joy : Well, there are several possibilities, 1 ice hockey? It's an incredibly fast. exciting sport, it's very popular in America and in a lot of European countries .
David : OK. that's a possibility 2, Natasha? Would ice hockey be a good choice?
Natasha : Mmm, 3 It's not really an international sport, is it? Not in the same way as baseball, for example. or ... tennis.
David : 4 - baseball's got a lot more international appeal. and it's a sport that's got a good image. I don't know about tennis - I'm not sure it would be suitable. Mario, 5?
Mario : 6 . motor racing would be perfect for our client. It's fast. exciting. and the TV coverage of Formula One races is excellent. They would get a lot of exposure, it will really strengthen their image.
David : That's a great idea. Mario 7 get in touch with Larry Harrington's agency and see if he's interested? Harrington's young. exciting - he'd probably jump at the chance to work with our client. They're a perfect match. But first I must check with our client and make sure they're happy with our choice.
Which of the phrases in the previous exercise B are:
1 asking for opinions? 2 agreeing or disagreeing?
3 giving opinions? 4 making suggestions?
D Role-play this situation.
Jeanne de Brion is a jewellery company in Boston. USA. A year ago. it launched a line of jewellery with the brand name ·Cecile·. This is the name of the French designer who created the collection. Unfortunately. the Cecile line has not achieved its sales targets. Three directors of the company meet to discuss how to improve sales.
Work in groups of three, Read your role cards, then role-play the discussion.