Culture shock
A- Read the article below quickly and decide which of the following (1-5) are:
a) referred to in a positive way in the text
b) referred to in a negative way in the text
c) not referred to at all.

1- understanding the culture of the country you are living in
2- asking British colleagues personal questions when you meet them for the first time
3- hiring staff who are flexible and tolerant
4- providing staff with practical support
5- looking at the role of the spouse (husband o r wife) in the selection of candidates
for overseas postings.
Read the article again and answer the questions.
1 What things are people from different countries in an organisation:
a) likely to have in common b) likely not to have in common?
2 What is 'cultural awareness'?
C- Work in pairs. What do you think should be covered in a cultural training course?
D- Write a paragraph using information from the article and giving tips to people doing business in the UK.
LANGUAGE REVIEW : Advice, obligation and necessity
Advice, obligation and necessity
1 Advice
o We can use should and shouldn't to give or ask for advice.
Global companies should never underestimate the effect that culture can have.
• For strong advice, we can use must or mustn't.
You mustn't invade a British colleague's personal space tao soon.
2 Obligation/Necessity
o We often use must when the obligation comes from the person speaking or writing.
We must show more cultural understanding.
o We use mustn't to say something is prohibited or is not allowed.
You mustn't smoke inside any building.
o We often use "have to" to show that the obligation comes from another person or institution, not the speaker.
You have to get a visa to enter the country. (This is the law.)
3 Lack of obligation / Lack of necessity
o Don't have to and mustn't are very different.
don't have to = it is not necessary
You don't have to hurry. We have plenty of time.
Choose the most appropriate verb, There are some situations where both verbs are possible. Can you say why?
1- If you are invited to a Brazilian's house for dinner, you ____ arrive at least 30 minutes after the time mentioned.
2 - You _____ give purple nowers as a gift in many countries.
3- All personnel_____read the health and safety notices in the building.
4- Staff _____ disclose information on the project unless authorised.
5- I think you______encourage the team to develop interpersonal skills.
6- Simone______ work so hard - she is looking very tired.
7- When going to a new country to do business, you ____do some research into their culture.
8- You _____ pay immediately. We can offer you credit.
Read these notes on Chinese business protocol. How does each piece of advice compare with the situation in your country?