Irregular Verbs

64. Rise
- Meaning: To move upward or ascend.
- Simple Past: Rose
- Past Participle: Risen
- Example: The sun rose early in the morning.

65. Run
- Meaning: To move rapidly on foot.
- Simple Past: Ran
- Past Participle: Run
- Example: She ran in the race and won first place.

66. Say
- Meaning: To express in words.
- Simple Past: Said
- Past Participle: Said
- Example: He said he would meet us at the park.

67. See
- Meaning: To perceive with the eyes.
- Simple Past: Saw
- Past Participle: Seen
- Example: She saw a beautiful rainbow in the sky.

68. Seek
- Meaning: To look for or search for something.
- Simple Past: Sought
- Past Participle: Sought
- Example: They sought advice from a professional.

69. Sell
- Meaning: To exchange something for money.
- Simple Past: Sold
- Past Participle: Sold
- Example: He sold his old car and bought a new one.

70. Send
- Meaning: To cause something to go or be taken to a destination.
- Simple Past: Sent
- Past Participle: Sent
- Example: She sent a birthday card to her friend.

71. Set
- Meaning: To put something in a particular place or position.
- Simple Past: Set
- Past Participle: Set
- Example: He set the table for a special dinner.

72. Shake
- Meaning: To move or cause to move with short, rapid movements.
- Simple Past: Shook
- Past Participle: Shaken
- Example: He shook my hand when we met.

73. Shine
- Meaning: To emit or reflect light.
- Simple Past: Shone
- Past Participle: Shone
- Example: The sun shone brightly in the sky.

74. Shoot
- Meaning: To discharge a projectile from a firearm.
- Simple Past: Shot
- Past Participle: Shot
- Example: He shot an arrow at the target.

75. Show
- Meaning: To display or present something to others.
- Simple Past: Showed
- Past Participle: Shown
- Example: She showed her art at the gallery.

76. Shut
- Meaning: To close something tightly.
- Simple Past: Shut
- Past Participle: Shut
- Example: Please shut the door when you leave.

77. Sing
- Meaning: To produce musical sounds with the voice.
- Simple Past: Sang
- Past Participle: Sung
- Example: They sang a beautiful song together.

78. Sit
- Meaning: To be in a seated position.
- Simple Past: Sat
- Past Participle: Sat
- Example: He sat on the park bench and relaxed.

79. Sleep
- Meaning: To rest with eyes closed and unconsciousness.
- Simple Past: Slept
- Past Participle: Slept
- Example: She slept peacefully through the night.

80. Slide
- Meaning: To move smoothly along a surface.
- Simple Past: Slid
- Past Participle: Slid
- Example: The child slid down the playground slide.

81. Speak
- Meaning: To communicate verbally.
- Simple Past: Spoke
- Past Participle: Spoken
- Example: He spoke at the conference about his research.

82. Spit
- Meaning: To forcefully expel saliva from the mouth.
- Simple Past: Spat
- Past Participle: Spat
- Example: He spat out the bad-tasting food.

83. Spread
- Meaning: To extend over an area or surface.
- Simple Past: Spread
- Past Participle: Spread
- Example: She spread the picnic blanket on the grass.

84. Spring
- Meaning: To leap or jump suddenly.
- Simple Past: Sprang
- Past Participle: Sprung
- Example: The cat sprang onto the table to catch a mouse.

85. Stand
- Meaning: To be in an upright position on one's feet.
- Simple Past: Stood
- Past Participle: Stood
- Example: They stood in line waiting for the bus.

86. Steal
- Meaning: To take something unlawfully without permission.
- Simple Past: Stole
- Past Participle: Stolen
- Example: Someone stole her bicycle from the backyard.

87. Stick
- Meaning: To attach or adhere to something.
- Simple Past: Stuck
- Past Participle: Stuck
- Example: The gum stuck to the bottom of his shoe.

88. Sting
- Meaning: To pierce or wound with a sharp, pointed structure.
- Simple Past: Stung
- Past Participle: Stung
- Example: The bee stung her on the arm.

89. Swim
- Meaning: To move through water using one's body.
- Simple Past: Swam
- Past Participle: Swum
- Example: They swam in the ocean on a hot day.

90. Swing
- Meaning: To move back and forth on a suspended support.
- Simple Past: Swung
- Past Participle: Swung
- Example: The children swung on the playground swings.

91. Take
- Meaning: To grasp or acquire something.
- Simple Past: Took
- Past Participle: Taken
- Example: She took a photo of the beautiful sunset.

92. Teach
- Meaning: To impart knowledge or skills to someone.
- Simple Past: Taught
- Past Participle: Taught
- Example: He taught mathematics to his students.

93. Tear
- Meaning: To damage by pulling apart or ripping.
- Simple Past: Tore
- Past Participle: Torn
- Example: She tore the paper accidentally.

94. Tell
- Meaning: To communicate or narrate something to someone.
- Simple Past: Told
- Past Participle: Told
- Example: He told an interesting story to the children.

95. Think
- Meaning: To have thoughts or use one's mind.
- Simple Past: Thought
- Past Participle: Thought
- Example: She thought deeply about the problem.

96. Throw
- Meaning: To propel something through the air.
- Simple Past: Threw
- Past Participle: Thrown
- Example: He threw the ball to his friend.

97. Understand
- Meaning: To comprehend or grasp the meaning of something.
- Simple Past: Understood
- Past Participle: Understood
- Example: She understood the instructions clearly.

98. Wake
- Meaning: To become conscious after sleep.
- Simple Past: Woke
- Past Participle: Woken
- Example: He woke up early to watch the sunrise.

99. Wear
- Meaning: To have clothing or an accessory on the body.
- Simple Past: Wore
- Past Participle: Worn
- Example: She wore a beautiful dress to the party.

100. Win
- Meaning: To achieve victory or success.
- Simple Past: Won
- Past Participle: Won
- Example: They won the championship game.

101. Write
- Meaning: To inscribe or record in written form.
- Simple Past: Wrote
- Past Participle: Written
- Example: She wrote a heartfelt letter to her friend.

102. Bear
- Meaning: To support or carry a heavy load.
- Simple Past: Bore
- Past Participle: Borne
- Example: The backpack bore the weight of all our camping gear.

103. Bide
- Meaning: To wait or remain in a certain place.
- Simple Past: Bode
- Past Participle: Bidden
- Example: He bided his time for the right moment to speak.

104. Bite
- Meaning: To use teeth to cut or grip something.
- Simple Past: Bit
- Past Participle: Bitten
- Example: The dog bit the bone to clean its teeth.

105. Blow
- Meaning: To expel air forcefully or create wind.
- Simple Past: Blew
- Past Participle: Blown
- Example: She blew out the candles on her birthday cake.

106. Dig
- Meaning: To break up, turn over, or remove earth with a tool.
- Simple Past: Dug
- Past Participle: Dug
- Example: They dug a deep hole to plant a tree.

107. Forget
- Meaning: To fail to remember something.
- Simple Past: Forgot
- Past Participle: Forgotten
- Example: He forgot his anniversary and had to apologize.

108. Freeze
- Meaning: To turn into ice due to cold temperatures.
- Simple Past: Froze
- Past Participle: Frozen
- Example: The lake froze over during the harsh winter.

109. Hang (for executions)
- Meaning: To suspend a person by the neck until dead as a form of execution.
- Simple Past: Hanged
- Past Participle: Hanged
- Example: In some historical periods, they hanged criminals.

110. Hide
- Meaning: To conceal or put out of sight.
- Simple Past: Hid
- Past Participle: Hidden
- Example: She hid the treasure chest in a secret cave.

111. Light (to ignite)
- Meaning: To set something on fire or provide illumination.
- Simple Past: Lit
- Past Participle: Lit
- Example: He lit a campfire to keep warm.

112. Run
- Meaning: To move rapidly on foot.
- Simple Past: Ran
- Past Participle: Run
- Example: They ran a marathon and finished in under three hours.

113. Shake
- Meaning: To move or cause to move with short, rapid movements.
- Simple Past: Shook
- Past Participle: Shaken
- Example: She shook the bottle to mix the ingredients.

114. Sink
- Meaning: To descend or submerge in water or a liquid.
- Simple Past: Sank
- Past Participle: Sunk
- Example: The ship slowly sank beneath the waves.

115. Sit
- Meaning: To be in a seated position.
- Simple Past: Sat
- Past Participle: Sat
- Example: She sat quietly during the meeting.

116. Sleep
- Meaning: To rest with the eyes closed and be unconscious.
- Simple Past: Slept
- Past Participle: Slept
- Example: They slept soundly through the night.

117. Speak
- Meaning: To communicate verbally or utter words.
- Simple Past: Spoke
- Past Participle: Spoken
- Example: He spoke eloquently during the public speaking event.

118. Spit
- Meaning: To forcefully expel saliva or liquid from the mouth.
- Simple Past: Spit
- Past Participle: Spit
- Example: He accidentally spat out his drink.

119. Spring
- Meaning: To leap or jump suddenly.
- Simple Past: Sprang
- Past Participle: Sprung
- Example: The cat sprang onto the table to catch a mouse.

120. Stick
- Meaning: To attach or adhere to something.
- Simple Past: Stuck
- Past Participle: Stuck
- Example: The tape stuck to the paper securely.

121. Sting
- Meaning: To pierce or wound with a sharp, pointed structure.
- Simple Past: Stung
- Past Participle: Stung
- Example: The bee stung her on the arm.

122. Swim
- Meaning: To move through water using one's body.
- Simple Past: Swam
- Past Participle: Swum
- Example: They swam in the pool on a hot summer day.

123. Swing
- Meaning: To move back and forth on a suspended support.
- Simple Past: Swung
- Past Participle: Swung
- Example: The children enjoyed swinging at the playground.

124. Tear
- Meaning: To damage by pulling apart or ripping.
- Simple Past: Tore
- Past Participle: Torn
- Example: He accidentally tore his shirt on a nail.

125. Wake
- Meaning: To become conscious after sleep.
- Simple Past: Woke
- Past Participle: Woken
- Example: She woke up early and felt refreshed.

126. Win
- Meaning: To achieve victory or success.
- Simple Past: Won
- Past Participle: Won
- Example: They won the championship with a last-minute goal.

127. Wear
- Meaning: To have clothing or an accessory on the body.
- Simple Past: Wore
- Past Participle: Worn
- Example: She wore a stylish dress to the party.

Short Quiz 2

Complete the following sentences with the appropriate form of the irregular verb in parentheses:

1. He his old car and bought a new one. (sell)

2. She a birthday card to her friend. (send)

3. He the table for a special dinner. (set)

4. He my hand when we met. (shake)

5. The sun brightly in the sky. (shine)

6. He an arrow at the target. (shoot)

7. She her art at the gallery. (show)

8. Please the door when you leave. (shut)

9. They a beautiful song together. (sing)

10. He on the park bench and relaxed. (sit)