1- Match the type of dog below with the job it commonly carries out
3- Match the collective noun with the correct animal group
e -
4 - Match the animals with the correct skin covering
5- Solve the anagrams below using the clues provided
6- Read the text and fill the gaps with the correct word in the right form
dog - animal - wolf - mouse - horse

Animals appear in many stories for children. Sometimes the animal represents fear or evil, like the big, bad in the story of Little Red Riding Hood. In such stories, there is invariably a 'happy ending' involving the death of the wolf and a victory of Good over Evil. In other stories, animals are friendly towards humans, like the Lassie and in the tales of 'The Lone Ranger' where the , Silver, is shown to have the qualities of loyalty and affection. In the Fables of Aesop, are given human characteristics, and the stories are used to expose human failings or weaknesses; we are meant to learn a lesson from them.
Of course, animals have always appeared in cartoons to provide humour, the most famous being Mickey , Bugs Bunny, and Tom and
Jerry .
7- Read the sentences and decide which animal is being described